Arkona Lodge 307
A.F. & A.M.
Arkona Lodge 307 A. F. & A. M. was instituted in 1874. Lodge opened in the first degree with Wro. Bro. John Dallas presiding. ro. Bro. Dallas read dispensation from Grand Lodge October 19th, 1874.
The lodge was dedicated by District Deputy Grand Master Rt. W. Bro. T. McNate. Arkona lodge prospered in its early years and many were initiated into Arkona Lodge.
On June 24th, 1876, Arkona Lodge and another Lodge from the district went to Smith’s Grove, now called Rock Glen, for a picnic. They were led by the Arkona Brass Band.
On September 4th, 1919 – the Arkona Brethren purchased the present building on 7345 Arkona Road on the west side and this is where they meet.
On October 18th, 1974 – Arkona Lodge 307, held a Centennial Banquet at the Taxandria Centre, south of Arkona. Wro. Bro. Homer Hall was Master and wished Arkona Lodge continued success and prosperity in the years ahead.
In 1974 – Rt. Wro. Bro. C. Jack Rowland was District Deputy Grand Master for the Sarnia District.
In 1999 – we celebrated our 125 anniversary and in 2024 we will be 150 years old.
In 1999 – Rt. Wro. Bro. James R. Sercombe was District Deputy Grand Master for Sarnia District.
In 2012-2013 – Rt. Wro. Bro. Fred C. Hoffner was District Deputy Grand Master for Sarnia District.